Henry K. Yoo
1. 有形产品:处方、检查结果、诊断影像,这些都直接关系病畜的健康与其所得到的服务。
2. 无形产品:以上服务过程中所给予的情感关怀、对所提供的服务消费者认识到的价值、同情心。有形产品易于认识,因为它们直观地体现在客户的账单上,为服务付费很容易理解。尽管无形产品增加了有形产品的产品价值,但由于无形产品并不体现在客户的账单上,所以客户很难愿意为此类产品付费。为了提高服务水平,提供服务的一方需要明白:产品的价值如何被客户理解这一过程。这并不仅是客户看到、摸到了什么,而是客户感受到了什么。
作者:Henry K. Yoo 兽医学士MBA硕士为英菲尼迪医疗咨询公司高级顾问。Yoo博士是一位医疗战略者,向医药公司提供咨询服务,如先灵葆雅公司、艾维特营养公司等。任教于King Charles University 大学和S. Baylor University大学。他在众多机构做过演讲,并作为演讲嘉宾参加过多次国际性会议。邮箱地址为henryyoo@gmail.com
Principles of Veterinary Hospital Management
Henry K. Yoo
(Executive Consultant Infinity Management Consulting & Co.)
Introduction: Veterinary Management is not any different from other business in terms of the essential components that leads the business to a success. The author wants to express some fundamental and principle matters that the audience can use when they go back to their work almost immediately. And these elements can be used and maintained for the progress of the operation of the hospital through a structured management process. Once the maintained elements are practiced repeatedly and duplicated by each members of the team, a new culture will be established as part of organizational philosophy.
Principles Successful Business: If we take a brief look at the factors that makes a business, we used to consider the factors like knowledge, money, information, employee and building where the business should be placed at. Although these were important in the past, now the needs are shifting since money, knowledge and information are much more available than ever before. So, the might be considered as negotiable items. The needs are shifting from these negotiable elements to the maximum use of People, Process and Products based on early stage of Business Planning. Also these 3Ps can be synergistically responding when there is a professional network that can maximize the presence of 3Ps. The reason why I call them as non-negotiable is in the fact that these are original and cannot be replaced with other factors.
3Ps: People Factor is the beginning of an organization. The team of dedicated People is central part of a successful unity and the People will continuously build process that is efficient system that controls work-flow. Dedicated People and Efficient Process are almost synonymous terminology when it comes to the operation of business since dedicated inpiduals always look for the way to make the system work more efficiently. Once the efficient Process is put in place by the dedicated People, it is almost natural for the people to yield quality Product from which the end-users experience the value since Product is only the outcome of the joint effort of People and Process. Amongst People, Process and Product, the most important element is People since it is the one that starts Process then onto the act of making products. The act of managing, navigating with and motivating People starts with People. This is why the author considers People is determining factor in the success of an organization.
People Management: Amongst the Management skills of People, I would like to point out the items that need to be considered for the effective results.
Selection Process: It is so important to know how to screen and interview to determine the fitness of the applicant to the job posted. Job application file should contain extensive process to reveal the past history on works and potential hiding elements. Work history of the applicants should in line with the present job unless the applicant is considering a new path. It is also important to ask right questions with open end while giving much more opportunity to the applicants to speak. A System to check the grammar, vocabulary and the ability in mathematics are all crucial elements that comes with job and communication with clients. Giving a while sheet of paper asking the applicant to write for the subject like “ Why should I be hired?” will reveal his/her ability to write, grammar, vocabulary and way of thinking. Important things are not to ask closed questions. Also listening more than speaking is a better way to explore more about the applicants’ ability. The record generated during the interview should be part of the file for the applicants if she/he is hired for verification in the future during and after job is awarded.
Exiting Process: Most of time, many employer and employees are not in speaking terms when the job terminates. Author educated the clients to use this opportunity to be the most honest time for each to give an advice and yield a clear reference since there is no attachments any more. It is also important for the employer to ask like “How do you see that we need to improve our management skill?” or “What was the most hard things for you during your employment?” to know the opinion of the exiting staff. Asking “Would like to come back to apply for a job in the future?” might be a way to continue the connectivity with the staff if condition improves when the times are better. I would also suggest to pay for the exiting interview since it might be a good gesture and money spent well as she/he leave the post.
Training & Education: Educated person becomes “More Responsive and Responsible”. Education is one of the best investments that the employer should pay attention in running a business especially in medical field. Staff is always in a position to give an advice and instruction for the better care of patients. Guiding clients with confidence and compassion will be the way to have the clients builds trust with the hospital group. As a result higher level of clients education will take place and close and trusting relationship between staff and clients are built as a result. Educating both Staff and Clients are one of the key to the success of an organization.
Motivation and Empowerment: Although this might be an extension of the upper mentioned Education and Training, motivating the staff through education/training, knowledge sharing and team support are part of the empowering mechanism. It is always important to encourage staff even after their crucial mistakes and to praise them for their jobs well done. Make a system that they can monitor their performance themselves as a team.
Leadership: Leadership does not have to hierarchical but at the level of flat organization. Voluntary act of performing for the better result and improvement of the products are always a sign of leadership. Make an environment where they take risks since it might be part of the learning process. Mistakes can be openly discussed for all staff to learn from it. Staff meeting (truly by the staff) is a democratic way of bringing up a discussion for all staff for their inquiry and personal opinion. This is a way to build leadership.
Incentive System: This is double edge sward. If it is used efficiently it will be a best tool. If not it can bring a disaster to the group also. Before setting a program to reward the staff and the team, a careful study should be made so that it is fair and making a sense so that all involved is happy. Money is not always the best motivator or element of incentive system.
Process Management: When there is no staff guidelines established as a line of reference the staff invent their own rules that might satisfies their needs best depending on their convenience of the day. Job protocols and Job discretion will be good examples of the system management. Check list for the opening and closing for each department of the clinic should prevent a lot of mistakes and/or human errors. Especially receptionist and technicians, surgical room staff should have their own check-list before they sign out. These protocols and job discretion will maintain uniformity of performance through the consistent expectations in quality outcomes. When these guide lines are not present, the staff and system may take their own path just like driving around without a map that the driver might have to refer to. As it shows on the value chain pathway below,
Input ( Initial Investment )
Operations ( Product Manufacturing )
Output (ill defined Product)
Education( Marketing and Sales)
Final Product (at higher value)
the process of input with capital, staff time, knowledge and skills with soft and hardware will go through the operational chamber only to yield the output that is very raw in its nature. This is undefined product that may retain only basic value until the process of educating (or marketing) end-users and up grading the usefulness. As a result the perceived value of the product might be enhanced by the educational efforts. At this point the subject product is at much higher value although it might be the similar or same product as it was originally manufactured.
Product Management: There are two groups of Product that we manufacture the service items. These are :
Tangible Items: Rx, Tx, Sx, that directly related to patients for the better care of their wellbeing.
Intangible Items: Emotions generated throughout the process of above, Feeling of Appreciation, Perceived value of the service rendered as well as feeling of Compassion
Tangible items are easily recognizable since these are directly shown on the bills to the clients. As a result the payment is expected upon the rendered service. Intangible items are not shown on the bill nor expected to be paid although the Intangible Items tend to booster the value of the Tangible Items. To accomplish a successful level of service, the care givers should have a full understanding on how the value of a product is perceived. It is not only from “what the Clients see and touch” but also from” how the Clients feel”.
Clients’ Dissatisfaction: As a consultant in management, a lot questions are asked to resolve conflicts that occurs in clinical settings. Usually there are three areas that are pointed out. As I have projected on Power Point, these are generalized areas of client dissatisfaction although the management can minimize the frequencies of these happening once the management understand the cause of the clients confrontation.
Unexpected Financial Charge
- not being informed at the beginning
- additional bills that was not explained or discussed
- asking to do too many procedures
Not knowing the need of the clients
- unclear response to inquiry on the phone or/and during examination
- taking too much time in service without due explanation
- being indifferent or not being friendly
Medically Incompetent
- under-delivered outcomes
- prognosis was not clear
- options were not explained
- advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic procedures were not explained
Conclusion: Successful management develops a Process that promotes quality service and compassion driven communication with clients. Management is a collective body of People and this People body will generate a system focusing on the compassion and quality. As a result the Product (which is the outcome of People and Process) will be generated at higher level quality. All business are driving for the financial return on their investment although only finance should not be the object of the organization. As I projected in the slide, The Financial Outcomes should be the Result of Compassion and Quality. We want to put a Horse before Carriage.
The End.
Author: Henry K. Yoo DVM MSc MBA is an Executive Consultant at Infinity Medical Consulting & Co. located in Santa Monica, CA. Dr. Yoo, as a medical strategist, consults pharmaceutical companies like Shering-Plough, iVet Nutrition and ENVY Medical Co. He also has assignments with colleges and universities as faculty at SNU, W. University and S. Baylor University. The topics of his consulting and education at many institutions have been expanded to international conferences and conventions. You may be able to reach him at his email address henryyoo@gmail.com.